Tuesday, July 12, 2011

introduction rap!!!!!

yo yo yo,
my name is sarah kleven,
some say i'm sent from heaven.
i really want to teach integrated science,
i hope this blog is in compliance.

my favorite animal is a humpback whale,
they don't like to eat kale.
for some reason, whales always pop up in my dreams,
that tend to be sparkly themes.

or maybe my favorite animal is a jellyfish,
good thing i've never ate one on a serving dish.
i like how they have long tentacles,
if they're in cold water long enough, would they turn into popsicles?

i also love dinosaurs,
especially the ones that go rrrrroaurs!!
they're fossils are so cool,
looking at them sometimes makes me drool.

yo, i'm sarah kleven :)


  1. I read this...or rather pseudo-rapped it in your voice.

  2. I had a hard time hearing you rap, so maybe you'll do it for us in class on Monday.

    From my dream dictionary (I taught Psychology for 7 years):

    To see a whale in your dream, represents your intuition and awareness. You are in tuned with your sense of spirituality. Alternatively, a whale symbolizes a relationship or business project that may be too big to handle. You are feeling overwhelmed. The dream may also be a pun on "wailing" and a desire to cry out about something.

    Nice intro post.
